H5N1 quoi de neuf ?

Publié le par BlindBlack


Influenza aviaire : la France renforce son dispositif de prévention et de surveillance
Paris, le 24.06.2007    
La Commission Européenne a annoncé la découverte dans le Land de Bavière (sud de l'Allemagne) de deux cygnes contaminés par l'influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (virus H5N1).
Conformément au dispositif de prévention et de surveillance établi en France par l'arrêté du 5 février 2007, la mise en évidence de la contamination de l'avi-faune sauvage dans un pays voisin de la France conduit Michel Barnier, Ministre de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche, à passer du niveau de risque « négligeable 2 » au niveau de risque « modéré ».
En complément des mesures de biosécurité existantes, le passage à ce niveau de risque supérieur induit la mise en œuvre, par les détenteurs de volailles et d'oiseaux d'agrément des zones écologiques à risque particulier(1), des dispositions complémentaires suivantes :
-  les oiseaux doivent être confinés ou protégés par des filets, ou par des mesures de biosécurité alternatives ;
-  les rassemblements d'oiseaux et les compétitions de pigeons, au départ ou survolant ces zones, sont interdits ;
-  les oiseaux détenus dans ces zones ne peuvent participer à des rassemblements organisés sur le reste du territoire.
Ces dispositions constituent un renforcement des mesures de précaution et de surveillance. Aucun cas d'influenza aviaire à virus H5N1 n'a été constaté sur le territoire national en 2007.
(1) Listées à l'annexe 5 de l'arrêté du 5 février 2007.



22 Juin 2007



AP | 24.06.2007 | Grippe aviaire: le dispositif de prévention passe en France du niveau deux au niveau quatre sur six
Après la découverte de deux cygnes atteints du virus H5N1 en Allemagne, le ministre de l'Agriculture Michel Barnier a décidé dimanche de faire passer le dispositif français de prévention de la grippe aviaire du niveau de risque "négligeable 2" au niveau de risque "modéré".
Le dispositif compte six niveaux: négligeable 1, négligeable 2, faible, modéré, élevé, très élevé.
Avant la détection du virus outre-Rhin, l'alimentation et l'abreuvement des oiseaux dans l'Hexagone devaient déjà être protégés de tout contact avec la faune sauvage.
Des dispositions complémentaires entrent en vigueur ce dimanche "dans les zones écologiques à risque particulier", selon le communiqué du ministère de l'Agriculture. Il s'agit de régions humides, où des lacs et des étangs sont fréquentés par les oiseaux migrateurs.


Allemagne: le virus du H5N1 confirmé sur six oiseaux sauvages ( AFP, dimanche 24 juin 2007, 21h58)
Le virus H5N1 de la grippe aviaire, dans sa forme hautement pathogène potentiellement dangereuse pour l'homme, a été confirmé sur au total six des 14 oiseaux sauvages morts autour de Nuremberg (sud-est), a annoncé dimanche l'Institut Friedrich Loeffler, dont le siège est dans l'île de Riems (nord-est).

La grippe aviaire réapparaît en Allemagne
BERLIN (Reuters) - La souche la plus pathogène du virus H5N1 de la grippe aviaire a été identifiée dimanche chez au moins trois des oiseaux retrouvés morts à Nuremberg, dans le sud de l'Allemagne, apprend-on de source officielle.
La souche H5N1 avait déjà été identifiée dans les corps de huit oiseaux retrouvés morts et des analyses sont encore en cours pour déterminer si les cinq autres sont porteurs de cette forme particulièrement dangereuse.
L'Allemagne en a aussitôt informé la Commission européenne, qui a rappelé que "la forme hautement pathogène du virus H5N1 de la grippe aviaire a été identifiée chez plus de 700 oiseaux en Europe en 2006".

Bird flu cases in southern Germany show highly pathogenic H5N1 variant
BERLIN: At least some of the cases of bird flu discovered this weekend near the southern city of Nuremberg involve a highly pathogenic variety of the H5N1 strain, Germany's Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection said Sunday.
All seven of the birds — five swans, one duck and one goose found dead on Friday and Saturday — had the H5N1 strain, and further tests were still ongoing to determine if they were infected with the highly pathogenic variety. It is the first bird flu discovered in Germany this year, and the first report of wild birds infected this year within the European Union.

EU: deadly bird flu strain confirmed in Germany
BRUSSELS, June 24 (Reuters) - The highly pathogenic bird flu virus H5N1 has been found in two dead swans in Germany, the European Commission said on Sunday.
The European Union executive said German authorities had informed Brussels that laboratory tests carried out at a regional laboratory in Bavaria had confirmed the deadly strain in the birds.

Qinghai H5N1 Surveillance Failure in Western Europe
Recombinomics Commentary, June 24, 2007
Three wild birds in Germany have died of the feared H5N1 strain of bird flu, a health official in Nuremberg in southern Germany said on Sunday.
Katja Guenther told AFP tests carried out by the Friedrich Loeffler Institute confirmed that two swans and a duck suffered from the H5N1 strain of the virus.
She said tests were being conducted on another seven birds who died of bird flue to see whether they too had been carriers of H5N1, which is potentially lethal for humans.
The dead wild birds who were infected with the virus were found near Nuremberg in the past week.

H5N1 Confirmed in Wild Birds in Germany
Recombinomics Commentary, June 23, 2007
BERLIN: Authorities posted caution signs around two Bavarian lakes on Saturday after seven dead birds tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu virus, the first cases reported in Germany this year.
Nuremberg city authorities warned people to keep their dogs leashed and stay away from waterfowl after five swans, one duck and one goose all tested positive for H5N1.

Qinghai H5N1 Reservoir in Wild Birds in Germany
Recombinomics Commentary, June 24, 2007
The southern German city of Nuremberg said on Sunday that the bird flu virus had been discovered in the bodies of eight dead birds found in the state of Bavaria, Germany's first confirmed cases this year.
The corpses of two more birds are being analysed to see if they also contained the H5N1 avian flu virus, a city spokeswoman said.
"The city of Nuremberg and the Veterinary Office for the region of Fuerth have established a quarantine zone in the affected areas and will continue observation activity around Nuremberg," the city said in a statement.

FAZ - Gefährliche Variante der Vogelgrippe in Nürnberg
Erstmals seit über einem Jahr sind wieder Fälle von Vogelgrippe in Bayern aufgetreten. Der Ausbruch der Tierseuche in Nürnberg wurde am Sonntag vom Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut auf der Insel Riems amtlich bestätigt. Bei drei im Stadtgebiet tot aufgefundenen Wasservögeln - zwei Schwänen und einer Gans - sei die besonders aggressive, auch für den Menschen gefährliche Variante des H5N1-Virus festgestellt worden, teilte die Nürnberger Stadtverwaltung mit. Um die Fundorte am Wöhrder See und am Silbersee wurde ein Sperrbezirk eingerichtet.

Vogelgrippe-Verdacht bestätigt sich
Auf einer tschechischen Geflügelfarm sind etwa 1800 Tiere an dem H5N1-Virus verendet. Bayerns Behörden bleiben gelassen: Für hiesige Vögel bestehe keine erhöhte Gefahr.
Das auch für Menschen gefährliche Vogelgrippevirus H5N1 ist erstmals auf einem Geflügelhof in Tschechien aufgetreten.
Es sei auf einer Truthahnfarm des tschechischen Ortes Tisova nachgewiesen worden, meldete die Prager Nachrichtenagentur CTK am Donnerstag. Dies ist in diesem Jahr der dritte Ausbruch der Vogelgrippe in der EU.

Hochgefährliche Vogelgrippe-Fälle in Nürnberg
Mehrere Fälle von Vogelgrippe sind in Nürnberg festgestellt worden. In dem betroffenen Gebiet am Wöhrder See und am Silbersee wurde ein Sperrbezirk eingerichtet.


Qinghai H5N1 in Wild Birds in the Czech Republic?
Recombinomics Commentary, June 24, 2007
According to the latest news, another four wild birds, which were suspicious of bird flu, were found near Litomysl in east of the Czech republic.

Migration of Qinghai H5N1 Into the Czech Republic
Recombinomics Commentary, June 23, 2007
The most likely way that the virus was transmitted was via the bedding that was used for the flock. It was contaminated by the droppings of wild birds. That's how the virus could have hit a flock that was being held indoors."
According to the latest news, another four wild birds, which were suspicious of bird flu, were found near Litomysl in east of the Czech republic.


Another H5N1 Confirmed Child in Qena Egypt
Recombinomics Commentary, June 23, 2007
An Egyptian four-year old child has contracted bird flu. Dina Ali, from Deshna town in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Qena, was admitted to Qena Fever Hospital on Sunday, said Health Ministry spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahin.
The child was suffering from high temperature and respiratory problems after being in direct contact with infected birds, he noted. The spokesman said the child was given the Tamiflu and was now in a stable condition.


Bird flu patients in Indonesia reach to 101
JAKARTA, June 24 (Xinhua) -- The number of bird flu patients in Indonesia has increased to 101, spokesperson for the Health Ministry Lily S Sulistyowati said in press release here Sunday.
Lily said the latest human case affected by bird flu virus was a three-year-old child from Pekanbaru, Riau province, who has been ill since June 18 with fever without cough and cold.
She said the child identified as V was found to be affected by the H5NI virus based on the ministry's laboratory examination on June 22, 2007.

Indonesia bird flu victim in recovery
A three-year-old who tested positive for bird flu has recovered from the potentially deadly illness after swift treatment, a doctor said Saturday.
The girl, admitted to the regional hospital in Pekanbaru, on Sumatra island with bird flu symptoms, had contact with dead chickens that also tested positive with the disease.
"Lab results for the girl, Vivi, came up positive on Friday, but she's now recovering quite well. She had no fever but we are keeping her for observation for another week," the hospital's bird flu team leader Azizman Daad told AFP.


Infection control 'needs update'
By Jane Dreaper, BBC News, Health correspondent
How should the authorities treat people with infectious diseases who might put others at risk?
This tricky question is being considered by health officials in England. Their consultation about new laws on the control of disease and other hazards closes this week.
Parts of the legislation date back to Victorian times and have suitably archaic wording.
Experts agree that a new approach is needed - but some people are worried that the government's proposals for change are too vague, and potentially draconian.


Bird flu spreads in Bangladesh, more chickens culled
DHAKA, June 24 (Reuters) - Health workers in Bangladesh have culled 78,000 chickens over the past six days after bird flu spread to another district in the north of the country, an official said on Sunday.
The H5N1 strain of bird flu was first detected near the capital Dhaka, in central Bangladesh, in March and has since spread to north.districts.
The latest outbreak was reported from three farms in Lalmonirhat district, 400 km (250 miles) northwest of Dhaka, an official said.


23 June 2007, PANA - Togo's Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Minister, Yves Madow Nagou, confirmed here late Friday, the outbreak of bird flu in a poultry farm at Sigbehoue, south-east of the country. "Preliminary findings from a laboratory in Accra, Ghana, confirmed the existence of bird flu (at the farm)," the Minister said, adding that some samples were also sent to Italy.

Mission Environnement et Société INRA

BRUNO PEIFFER - LISTE HYGIENE peiffer@club-internet.fr

1ère partie

2) Répartition géographique


PC 23/06/07 Plusieurs cas de grippe aviaire signalés dans le sud de l'Allemagne

AP 23/06/07 Plusieurs cas de grippe aviaire signalés dans le sud de l'Allemagne

RECOMBINOMICS 23/06/07 H5N1 Confirmed in Wild Birds in Germany (06/23/07)


REUTERS 23/06/07 Stretch limited vaccines to fight pandemic-experts (Hong Kong)


PC 23/06/07 Egypte: un enfant de 4 ans atteint de la grippe aviaire

AFP 23/06/07 Egyptian boy has bird flu

RECOMBINOMICS 23/06/07 Another H5N1 Confirmed Child in Qena Egypt (06/23/07)


PEOPLE DAILY 23/06/07 Indonesian girl suffers bird flu

REUTERS 23/06/07 Indonesian girl from Sumatra has bird flu -official


RECOMBINOMICS 23/06/07 Migration of Qinghai H5N1 in the Czech Republic (06/23/07)


L HEBDOMADAIRE 23/06/07 Un foyer animal de grippe aviaire au Togo

LE TOGOLAIS 23/06/07 Existence de la grippe aviaire au Togo

XINHUA 23/06/07 La présence au Togo du virus H5N1 de la grippe aviaire confirmée

2ème partie


OIE 22/06/07 Le point sur la situation de l'influenza aviaire

INVS 22/06/07 Définition de cas possible de grippe aviaire H5N1

2) Répartition géographique


CIDRAP 21/06/07 Czechs report first poultry H5N1 outbreak


REUTERS 22/06/07 TOGO: New bird flu outbreak confirmed


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